Lomography (KMZ) Horizon Perfekt
Lomography has been making (or working with camera companies) and selling brand-new film cameras, yet they are almost always forgotten when the film folks wish for new cameras today. Here are the 120/135 cameras that they have made in the last 10 years: LC-A 120, Lomo LC-A Wide, Lomo LC-A+, Lubitel 166+, Horizon Perfekt, Horizon Kompakt, Diana F+, La Sardina, Hydrochrome Belair, Belair, LomoApparat, Fisheye, Sprocket Rocket and Spinner 360. Many of these are to fulfill voids in the used film camera industry. For example, the Horizon Perfekt (in this article) produces the 1:2.5 “cine” aspect ratio, which is almost unheard of except for really expensive and rare cameras. I bought this camera because I wasn’t sure if the 1:2.5 aspect ratio was what I want to get into, and as a trial run to the future Hassselblad Xpan. Now that I’ve owned this camera for 2 years, I have doubts that I even want to “upgrade” to the Xpan; and I even tried the steroid version, Fujifilm G617. (Click here for a comparison) I love the swing lens look, the compactness, the fully manual controls and focus-free setup.

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